My Philosophy
Reflection. Awareness. Action.
The RAA RAA of Life!
My coaching is based on three stages, Reflection, Awareness and Action. The production of these stages came from various areas, coaching clients for 28+ years in the field of Fitness and Wellness, living as an expat for more than 35+ years, observing and listening to humans, academic formal education and above all trying it on myself. These stages have a flow, a rhythm, and a sequence. I like to term my coaching as working on the entire human eco-system. I believe we are a human eco-system, and in order to be happy, healthy and flourishing we need to make sure our entire eco-system is functioning well, functioning together in the best service to our human. The human eco-system is comprised of the physical, emotional , mental, spiritual and the professional areas within us. If one or more of these areas are weak our human eco-system starts to crumble. We start developing, self-doubt, self-judgement, anxiety, physical pain, disease and lack of purpose. I like to address the entire human ecosystem through my three stages. If we strengthen one area all areas will reap the benefits. This requires strength and willingness from the client to go places where they thought all was good, or places where they chose in the past not to touch at all. This willingness and honesty opens doors for change and new possibilities.
The three stages of REFLECTION, AWARENESS, and ACTION let you show up in the world the way we want to. If you are here it means that you are already in REFLECTION stage, reflecting on what you can do to improve areas in your life, reflecting on what is not working, reflecting on what you would like to change or maybe reflecting on what you want to improve. My job is for us to go over those areas of reflection, help you find the one that needs the most attention. I say that the reflection stage is like passing glass cleaner on a window, cleaning up those areas in our life that are fuzzy, mucky, blurry or stuck with bugs and get a good clean “Reflection” of what we want in them. Cleaning up can be painful or emotionally at times, but the beauty is a clean glass. The willingness to reflect brings us to Awareness. The AWARENESS stage, we look very deep at what you choose to focus on, we bring more clarity and understanding of where you are. The AWARENESS stage brings forth the present moment or situation with acceptance, non-judgement. I love this stage it is so liberating. It is a place of much self-learning, and of self- compassion. A place to have fun with our not so happy side or non-productive side. A place to have fun with choice. Choice, about what you want, what you need. A term I like to coin as Choice Awareness.
The AWARENESS stage is also about curiosity, how you can see yourself from a curious lens. Here, we can see how we really function at work, around family, with relationships, and above all how we function with ourselves. How we treat ourselves, what language we use with ourselves. Awareness is a big step in my coaching, it is the place where we accept what is, stay with what works, eliminate what does not. It is the stage of getting from where you are to where you want to be. In this stage of my coaching, a lot of energy starts moving, a lot of aha moments are formed, soul connection takes place, positive intentions move in, and the power of our words and thoughts are formed mainly from a place of wisdom.
This deep AWARENESS leads us straight into the stage of ACTION. The word Action says it all, action is movement, it is defined as “the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim”. ACTION is about moving you forward into the goals you have devised and agreed upon. In this stage, you establish what you really can work on, what you really are ready for, it is the stage where the benefits of REFLECTION and the deep wisdom of AWARENESS come together. Action is production, producing the results you want. I am your greatest motivator here, watching you, holding you, making you accountable for your decisions and goals. This stage is about seeing results, it’s all about movement and action, things can move fast or slow, you are in charge. You set the pace and the rhythm. When action is put into action, reality, goals, dreams, and intentions become your new you.
We celebrate together, your journey, your outcomes, and we celebrate our time together. As I say, and it’s been said many times before, nothing is by chance and if you are here on this page right now it is because in some shape or form whether we work together or not, this was meant to be and I have briefly touched your life somehow through this web, or something has now sparked within you. Our energies have briefly come together. I honor and thank you for the time you have put in in reading about my work.